The Schtick: This is a 15 year old armagnac that is distilled and bottled at Chateau de Pellehaut. This fits nicely into adding to a previous series I did, comprised of various Pellehauts through the ages. This will fit nicely on the younger end of the scale.

Review #839 | Armagnac Review #29

Distiller: Chateau de Pellehaut

Bottler: Chateau de Pellehaut

Brand: Chateau de Pellehaut


ABV: 48.6% ABV

Age: 15 Years

Nose: Sweet confectioners sugar, pears, apple pie. Clove, Dole fruit syrup. Faint clove. Musty sweetness.

Taste: Thick, rich mouth feel. No heat. Caramel apple, sweet toffee. Rich milk chocolate. No sulfur, faint oak, no bitterness or astringency.

Finish: Medium, some heat. Caramel, vanilla cream, honey, wafer cookies. Really nice.

Overall: Super solid, very enjoyable. I really loved the lack of bitter sulfur on the palate and it definitely let a solid caramel body shine through. Really well done. Strangely enough, I enjoyed this as much as their really old releases, and a bit better than the 2000 17yr release. Im really enamored by what theyre doing over there. Well done, boys.

Thanks for reading!

Rank: 7

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