The Schtick: This is an armagnac from Chateau de Pellehaut which hails from the Tenareze region. Pellehaut primarily uses folle blanche.

Review #490 | Armagnac Review #14

Distiller: Chateau de Pellehaut

Bottler: Chateau de Pellehaut

Brand: Chateau de Pellehaut


ABV: 49.8% ABV

Age: 31 Years

Nose: Deep oaky bourbon notes. Brown sugar, maple, caramel, peach cobble, blackberry jam. The complexity here is impressive.

Taste: Sweet and syrupy, almost like Dole syrupy. Fruit abounds here like a fruit cocktail, oaky and tannic blending nicely with cocoa. The sweetness is really apparent here, but the oak that I usually find too dominating is a great blender here. The two extremes balance nicely, preventing it from being either cloying or too dry.

Finish: Medium with more sweetness surviving. Oak is present here also, but the stewed fruits win out in the end.

Overall: There were a lot of directions this could have gone, but it wasnt oak dominated and this was the kicker. The finish was particularly nice, ending on a faintly sweet note rather than a bitter, dry, tannic one.

Thanks for reading!

Rank: 7

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